ONCE UPON A TIME there was a girl named Frances, an “army brat,” who lived in a world of make believe where cactuses were a giant’s green fingers, the hills were full of unicorns, and the great antlered Stagman hid in the churchyard shadows. And then Frances grew up. [...]
Cover Art by Jack Woolhiser There are two reprints of the collected Riddle-Master trilogy – one in 1979, and another in 1999. The land-rule of Hed passed to Morgon prematurely, when his parents died at sea. He became one with his rural homeland, his heart and senses bound to its [...]
Cover Art by Darrell K. Sweet Back Cover Text: Though Morgon the Riddle-Master was reunited with his beloved Raederle, his purpose in life and the reason for the stars on his forehead remained a mystery. All around him, the realm shook with war and disaster as mysterious shape-changers battled [...]
Cover Art by Darrell K. Sweet Back Cover Text: By the vow of her father and her own desire, Raederle was pledged to Morgon, Riddle-Master of Hed. But a year had passed since Morgon disappeared on his search for the High One at Erlenstar Mountain, and rumors claimed he [...]
Cover Art by Darrell K. Sweet Back Cover Text: Long ago, the wizards had vanished from the world, and all knowledge was left hidden in riddles. Morgon, prince of the simple farmers of Hed, proved himself a master of such riddles when he staked his life to win a [...]
Spun from threads of gold and living dreams of ancient powers, THE FORGOTTEN BEASTS OF ELD is the story of Sybel, the ivory-haired wizard, who, with a touch of her mind, summons a kingdom of magical beasts – each with a superhuman power. Together they must undertake a wondrous [...]
Back Cover Text: “THE ROAD WILL TWIST AND TURN THREE TIMES …and on the third twist there is a hill, and on the hill is the black, crumbling, rotting House of the Doleman. It has great towers without doors, and walls like broken teeth, and strange shoutings come from [...]
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